WASHINGTON- DeSantis withdraws from the 2024 Presidential race and endorses Trump for President.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis ended his presidential bid, a setback for the Florida Governor who once represented a strong conservative base. DeSantis misread former President Trumps durability, overestimated his own political skill and struggled through the Iowa caucuses.
After finishing in disappointing second place in Iowa, where he invested millions in a vigorous campaign that included DeSantis touring all 99 counties, his campaign came to an end.
Trump out performed DeSantis by 28.9% in the Iowa caucuses and won by a landslide.

“Trump has my endorsement because we cannot go back to the old Republican guard of yesteryear, a repackaged form of warmed-over corporatism that Nikki Haley represents,” he said. Shortly after DeSantis bowed out, Trump’s campaign released a statement saying it was “honored” by the governor’s endorsement.
The decision by DeSantis to formally end his campaign will immediately lead to speculation about his future. DeSantis, 45, has repeatedly ruled out serving as a running mate for either Trump or Haley and has said he would rather return to Florida and finish his term as governor for the remaining two years.